211. Taken
All Christians agree that just before Christ returns calamitous times will come, whereby “two men will be in the field: one will be taken and one will be left; two women grinding at the mill, one will be taken and one will be left.” (Matthew 24:40-41)
212. Don’t Give Up Praying
All Christians believe that we “must always pray, and not give up” (Luke 18:1). As even an unjust judge will avenge a persistent widow who never ceases to cry out for justice, so must all believers never cease to pray, and God “will avenge them quickly.” (Luke 18:8)
213. Self-Righteousness
All Christians believe that the self-righteous attitude of a Pharisee won him no points with God. He prayed, “God, I thank you, that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all that I get.” (Luke 18:11-12) But the tax collector had the right attitude who, “beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner!' “ (vs 13) Why? “... everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (vs 14)
214. Marriage
All Christians agree that “from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. For this cause a man will leave his father and mother, and will join to his wife, and the two will become one flesh, so that they are no longer two, but one flesh.” (Luke 10:6-9)
215. Voluntary Celibacy
All Christians believe that some have the ability to serve in voluntary celibacy, but it ought never to be coerced, because not everyone can accept this, and so “there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake. He who is able to receive it, let him receive it.” (Matthew 19:12b)
216. Allow the Children
All Christians believe that children are a vital part of church life, as Jesus taught, “Allow the little children to come to me, and don't hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16 cf. Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16)
217. The Commandments
All Christians believe in the importance of all the commandments, including those not listed among the Ten Commandments, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 19:19) “Therefore, whoever shall break one of these least commandments and teach others to do so, shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whoever shall do and teach them shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 5:19) All Christians also believe that we approach the law in Spirit and not the letter, that “our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” (2 Corinthians 3:5-6)
218. Difficult for the Rich
All Christians believe “How difficult it is for those who have riches to enter into the Kingdom of God! … It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:23-25 cf. Matthew 19:21-24; Luke 18:22-25) Only a few are willing to follow Jesus’ instructions to a man of great influence, “Sell all that you have, and distribute it to the poor.” (Luke 18:22) Is it impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom? “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
219. God Compensates
All Christians believe that God amply compensates those who have left everything to follow Jesus. “Everyone who has left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, will receive one hundred times, and will inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29 cf. Mark 10:28-30; Luke 18:28-30)
220. Day Laborers
All Christians agree that we are like day laborers who were paid the same wage whether we worked all day or just one hour, and that all Christians receive the same compensation, which is eternal life (Matthew 20:1-16).