When Jesus cleared the Temple of merchandising, His main complaint was that it should be a house of prayer (Matthew 21:13). I dream of a church where prayer is a real focus.
Most churches prefer someone officially trained in their theology and ordained by denominational authorities. Yet, here we see that neither Jesus nor John the Baptist were officially ordained by men. Does that mean that we too should be independent? Not necessarily. It depends on where God calls us to serve. However, if I had to do it over again I would not want to be beholden to an organization of men, because that's what ordination requires. You must swear to their theological twigs which you either swallow whole, keep silent for the sake of peace or defile your conscience by pretending you agree in every detail. So, we should not automatically discount an independent preacher, who may be like John or Jesus, ordained by heaven rather than men (Matthew 21:23-27). I dream of a church where there is agreement on the essentials and an atmosphere of agreeable disagreement over twigs of doctrine can thrive, yet without divisive dissenters constantly undermining the peace.
The parable of the tenants shows that sometimes those who occupy God’s vineyard are dishonest with the Lord’s affairs and even murderers. We must not retaliate in kind, but wait upon the Lord to set things right (Matthew 21:33-41). Just as the kingdom of God was taken away from those religious leaders, so too will God do to others who act like them (vs 42-46). I dream of a church with faithful stewards tending the vineyard of God.
The Wedding Banquet
The parable of the wedding banquet shows those starting new churches, that many will refuse to come, and that those who accept the invitation may be a motley mixed crew of both good and bad backgrounds (Matthew 22:1-14). I dream of a welcoming church where wealth and clothing are irrelevant.
Civil Governments
Though some churches choose not to cooperate with civil governments, Jesus showed that paying the imperial tax to Caesar was a good thing (Matthew 22:15-22). Though there are places where just being a Christian or owning a Bible is illegal, in most cases it is wise for new churches to have a reputation of cooperating with civil authorities. I dream of a church that cooperates with civil authorities, but is clear about not compromising Christian principles.
The Great Commandments
The focus of teaching in any new church must not be on vain traditions or wacky fads, but on the proven Great Commandments (Matthew 22:34-40). I dream of a church where love of God and neighbor is defined God’s way, not the world’s.
Seven Woes
All potential church leaders must beware that they enter dangerous positions whereby others have bound heavy loads on people’s shoulders (Matthew 23:4), promoting their own egos with fancy clothing and demanding to be called by religious titles (vs 5-12). All potential leaders ought to study and be wary of seven woes that can accompany misuse of spiritual office (vs 13-32). I dream of church leaders who humbly recognize the Scribe and Pharisee within themselves.