Thinking about God
Does the existence of a God also mean that He knows how we, His creatures best function? Does that mean that He loves us? Does it mean that we can get to know Him personally? Jesus gave a simple two step process that one should think about when confronted with the truth of the Gospel.
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15 NKJV)
Repent literally means to change our mind or heart. We are slaves to weak and pitiful ideas that are like idols, worshipped but not real. When we discover the truth we change our minds and are set free from the propaganda that enslaves our world.
“Before you knew God, you were slaves of gods that are not real. But now you know God, or better still, God knows you. How can you turn back and become the slaves of those weak and pitiful powers?” (Galatians 4:8-9 CEV)
What should we do?
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1 NKJV)
One of the purposes of God is to set us free, free from corruption and death. That is good news.
Here are some examples of meditating on the world around us and wondering. Who designed it all? What vast intelligence could even conceive of such an incredible creation?
God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass” (Genesis 1:11 NKJV) Natural grass feeds animals and provides many benefits on lawns, athletic fields, parks, and playgrounds. It also generates oxygen for improved air quality, reduces noise and air pollution, provides excellent soil erosion control, protects groundwater, controls flooding, absorbs carbon dioxide, and brings substantial temperature moderation. Is grass just an accident or design?
The Bible says that God created “every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit.” (Genesis 1:11 NLT) Seeds contain all the genetic code needed for a plant to grow and reproduce its own kind. Some seeds can remain dormant for centuries. Swelling seeds can even break rock. Are seeds just an accident or design?
An old wise saying tells us, “Go to the ant, you lazy one, Observe its ways and be wise" (Proverbs 6:6 NASB) Ant colonies act with mystifying intelligence. A small number of workers collecting food know the precise types and amounts of food to harvest for ever-changing seasonal needs of the whole colony. How could this have evolved by random chance without a designer?
Job described Behemoth and its habitat (Job 40:15–24). Did dinosaurs really die out 65 million years ago? Why are there legends of dragons all over the world? Ancient societies were filled with dragon stories. Is dragon simply an ancient word for a dinosaur? In 2005 scientists discovered soft tissue in a dinosaur bone. Now dozens of discoveries reveal intact blood vessels and blood cells putting weak human theories in a quandary. Is there a better explanation? Is there a God after all?
Did God really create “every tree that has fruit with seed in it.” (Genesis 1:29 NIV) Scientists have recently discovered that trees communicate with each other through fungus on their roots, sharing elements back and forth as seasonal needs change. This is called mutualistic symbiosis. Trees provide oxygen, conserve water, prevent soil erosion and picture salvation. Is this just a quirk of chance or marvelous design?
What about our eyes? “Ears to hear and eyes to see— the Lord made them both.” (Proverbs 20:12 CEB) Our eyes remain the same size from birth. We blink over 4 million times a year to irrigate the eye. The vestibulo-ocular reflex is like a miraculous steadicam for the eyes. The retina is among the most complex tissues in the body, too complex for current computers to analyze. Was this designed or a cosmic accident?
The ear contains three interconnected bones, the hammer, the anvil, and the stapes, amplifying the sound about 30 dB, perfectly overcoming the sound energy lost by refraction. The cochlea has ducts that twist around in the shape of a snail, filled with fluid. Movement of the fluid in the ducts moves specialized hair-like projections, causing an electrical gradient sending signals to the brain. The ear is irreducibly complex, meaning the absence of any part would lead to cessation of function. Is this an accident or evidence of an intelligent designer?
There are basically two points of view among believers, young earth and old earth perspectives. Here are some wonderful resources available for further study. Two excellent young earth resources are available. The Institute for Creation Research ( is a team of scientists, engineers, geneticists, geologists, microbiologists, and forensic scientists who are dedicated to exploring God’s handiwork in the world around us. Answers in Genesis ( is a defender of the Christian faith, focusing on the most attacked book of the Bible, Genesis. Those who lean more towards an old earth perspective, may find the team of scientists and theologians at Reasons to Believe ( helpful. Examine the strengths and weaknesses on both sides, and decide which way you lean, leaving room for God to reveal the truth to you in His own time.
Some of the best defenders of the Christian faith in recent times have been Norm Geisler (, Lee Strobel (, Josh McDowell (, C. S. Lewis (, and Gary Habermas ( Their material is excellent.
Will you have a change of heart and mind and believe the good news of God’s reign? You decide!