Jesus begins His commentary on the law with the beatitudes, sometimes called the beautiful attitudes, which is a good description. As an analysis of the spiritual attitudes that are missing from legalism, the beatitudes are a masterpiece. These are foundational attitudes for the rest of the Sermon on the Mount.
Translators have struggled with the Greek word for “blessed” over the centuries, because it literally means happy, but it is more than mirth, mere laughter or momentary happiness. It is what we may say colloquially as “more than happy.” It is being well-off, blessed. And “blessed” is the word that most translators have settled upon, because it is a happiness that is long-term and transcends normal human cheerfulness. The happiness that comes with these attitudes comes from heaven. The attitudes are from above. They are blessed.
Poor in Spirit
One way to look at the beatitudes is to contrast them with their opposites. What’s the opposite of being destitute or poor in spirit? What about being affluent in spirit, or self-satisfied in spirit? Thinking that we are sufficient to ourselves and not in need of God is obviously a delusion, living a lie. Poverty of the spirit is facing reality, because we certainly cannot claim to be self-sufficient like God.
What is the opposite of mourning or lamenting guilt? What about delighting in and even praising guilt? That is a danger in any society. It too is a delusion. Mourning for our own and society’s sins opens the door to possible repentance and thereby creates a better world.
What is the opposite of meekness, gentleness and humility? What about disobedience, cruelty and pretentious arrogance? Such an attitude is found among those who are unlikely to care about others, and therefore not advantageous to a healthy society. Selfish societies die. A lack of meekness causes destruction from within any society? An attitude of humility is more pleasant company than arrogance? A society built on the basis of mutual love and assistance is healthy and more likely to thrive.
Hunger and Thirst for What’s Right
What is the opposite attitude of hungering and thirsting for justice and doing the right thing? What about hungering and thirsting for corruption, dishonesty, dishonor and lawlessness? What kind of society can survive when these attitudes gain the upper hand? How is hunger and thirst for doing the right thing good? When a majority of people want to do the right thing, how much better is our world?
What is the opposite of mercy, pity and compassion? Is intolerance, ill will, hatred, indifference and tyranny harmful? How many suffer under such societies today? How many even in our politically free countries suffer because of this attitude among the powerful and wealthy? Would not a merciful society be a wonderful place to live? Doesn’t it all start with our attitudes?
Pure in Heart
What’s the opposite of being clean, pure, unstained, and innocent of heart? Is being dirty-minded, impure, tarnished and immoral good? How can a world survive if everyone is only thinking of ways to take from their neighbor? The business world is better off if in every transaction we seek to make a win-win instead of a win-lose. It makes better business sense that our customers trust us and will keep returning because we have treated them from an attitude with a pure heart, rather than a corrupt and dishonest heart.
What’s the opposite of being pacific, loving peace and being a peace-maker? Is being constantly agitated, loud, quarrelsome and an instigator profitable? Is not life so much better when we are not constantly quarrelling between nations, between neighbors and family members? Making peace sometimes means walking away from a fight, taking a loss in a transaction, refraining from criticism or revenge. It’s not always easy to make peace, but isn’t the world a better place when there is peace?
Persecuted for Doing What’s Right
What is the opposite of being persecuted, harassed or hunted down for righteousness? Is it being commended for doing wrong, encouraged to be corrupt, left alone to continue being dishonest? Even though persecution is not a pleasant thing, is it not better to be harrassed for standing up for what is right, than to live in a world that allows corruption to continue?
The beatitudes are not just a naïve view of the world, but a practical way to live and create a healthy society. It’s the way of the kingdom of heaven for all eternity.