WWJD! What would Jesus do? That seems to be the answer for many today, but is it? Let's look at what Jesus did. He walked almost everywhere. We take cars. He was single. Many of us are not. He went into the Temple and turned over the tables. Try that at the next church bazaar! He taught without formal qualification, licensing or ordination. That won't work go far today! He asked men to leave their professions and follow Him on the road. How many would have to faith to live like that? Finally, Jesus went to the cross. That is not required of us literally, though figuratively we take up our cross daily. None of these things are required of most of us, so to ask what would Jesus do, does not always fit our calling or circumstances. Is there a better saying. What did Jesus teach? In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus said, "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you". Notice that He did not say teach what I did, but rather what I taught. What Jesus did is not our mandate, but His alone. What Jesus taught is our mandate. Let us rather ask, "What did Jesus teach?"