Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. (Matthew 13:24-25 NKJV)
Darnel, cockle or false wheat exists worldwide. It’s similar to wheat until maturity. Heavy wheat hangs low. Light darnel stands tall. The wicked may prosper. The righteous may suffer. Lolium temulentum has deep roots. Removing it may harm the wheat. Farmers let both grow until harvest and then separate them.
But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. (Matthew 13:26-29 NKJV)
The church has done much good in the world, like schools, universities, medical care, music, arts, literature, science, human rights, opposing slavery, influencing laws, providing orphanages, and caring for the hungry and poor. But the church is ALSO a mixture of good and evil. Why?
Why did Rome attack Waldensians and murder thousands during the Inquisition? Why did Catholics and Protestants persecute Anabaptists? Why did Calvinists murder French priests? Why do Orthodox harass Russian Protestants? Can we weed all sin out of church? Jesus described such evil to his disciples as weeds among the wheat.
Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” (Matthew 13:30 NKJV)
Gross sins we reject; lesser sins we tolerate. Should we excommunicate all sinners until few people are left in the church? Why did Jesus say, let both grow together until the harvest? Nobody evades God’s judgment. The world has always been a mixture of sinners and saints, good and evil.
Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.” He answered and said to them: “He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. (Matthew 13:36-39 NKJV)
Who sows the good seed? “the Son of Man.” Where’s the field? It’s “the world.” Who is the good seed? Children “of the kingdom.” Who are the tares? Children “of the wicked one.” Who brings the tares? “the devil.” How long? “... the end of the age.” Who harvests? “... the angels.”
Why does God allow evil? God allows free choice. Subsequently the world is both good and evil. God recommends we choose right, but His sovereign decision is: we may choose (Deuteronomy 30:19; Joshua 24:15; Proverbs 1:29-33; Matthew 7:7-8; Revelation 3:20). God wants children not slaves.
Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, (Matthew 13:40-41 NKJV)
Are church people too judgmental, or is such criticism also judgmental? Irrational and snobbish criticism are common to all. When is judgment discernment and when is it malicious faultfinding? Whether someone is damned or not is not ours to judge. What is Jesus’ alone to judge is not our business.
and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear! (Matthew 13:40-43 NKJV)
Jesus may be described as progressive, liberal, conservative or fundamentalist on a variety of issues, but always orthodox. The fact that there is judgment and hell are topics that Jesus attests to truthfully. Heretics may deny it, and lenient people may think it harsh, but love does not tolerate lawlessness.
Righteousness for Christians is not by sinless perfection, but by faith in forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Christ sits in judgment. Thank God that He can convert any one of us into wheat. Let’s pray for God’s forgiveness and focus on the day when the righteous will shine like the sun.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Genesis 28:10-19 How did Bethel get its name? How does Israel bless the whole world?
Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24 Is God omnipresent? Does God know our hearts?
Isaiah 44:6-8 What does it mean God is the first and last?
Psalm 86:11-17 How does God deliver our souls from the depths of the grave?
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Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 in Rhyme
The kingdom‘s like a man planting good seeds
But while men slept, his enemy sowed weeds
But when the grain produced a crop
The tares also came to the top
So then the field hands said to him
‘How does your crop have tares within?
He said, ‘An enemy did this.’
They asked ‘Should we weed in a blitz?’
He said, ‘No, you’ll uproot the wheat
Until harvest they’ll have a seat
And then I’ll say to the reapers
“First gather and burn all the tares
Gather the wheat into my barn.”
The good seed was sown by the Son
The field is the whole world in sum
Good seeds, children of the kingdom
Tares, children of the wicked one
Their sowing the devil has done
The harvest’s the end of the age
The reaping, the angels engage
Offenders are cast in the fire
Wailing, gnashing teeth in the pyre
The righteous will shine like the sun
In their Father’s kingdom
He who has ears to hear, let him hear!