old and new Pentecost


How has Pentecost changed since Jesus? What does it have to do with knowing God and knowing the truth. 


Let us understand how deceived we all have been and allow the Spirit of truth to lead us. 

Sermon Plan 

We will look at old and new Pentecost, the truth and knowing God. 

Old and new Pentecost 

The old Pentecost was 50 days from the Sunday during Passover season (Leviticus 23:15-22; Deuteronomy 16:9-12), the day when a holy meal was first waved before God and then consumed by the worshiper. In John 14:8-27 Jesus foretold a time when he would leave and send the Holy Spirit. Acts 2 is the fulfillment of that prophecy. The Holy Spirit is our comforter or legal advocate, who sits alongside of all of us who are in the church like a lawyer does in court as someone on our side. We cannot find the Holy Spirit in the world, but only in the community of believers. The Holy Spirit makes it possible for the work of Jesus to continue in the church after his departure. He does this by teaching and reminding us of the things of God. 


Pentecost (count 50) is also called shavuot (weeks). The feast of weeks commemorates the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. The Holy Spirit enables God’s law to be written on our hearts. The 50 days or 7 weeks of counting between Passover and Pentecost signifies anticipating the coming of the law as also the Holy Spirit (John 14:8-27). Another name for the festival is the day of firstfruits. Firstfruits of the year were brought as an offering. It pictures the church as firstfruits of God’s harvest in the world. It is also called the festival of reaping, picturing God’s beginning to reap for his kingdom. Among Jews the book of Ruth is read on Pentecost. It appropriately pictures Christ’s redemption of his Bride, the church. The Holy Spirit is the seal of our redemption (Ephesians 4:30). 

Can we handle the truth 

We have the truth, but are often times not satisfied with its simplicity or its demands. Jesus promised to send his disciples the Spirit of Truth (John 14:8-27). He also said that the world cannot receive him, because it does not see him, nor knows him. What does that mean? Just watch the nightly news to find out. It is often filled with propaganda, lies and slander. Every advertisement on television tells us perceived advantages of the products they are selling, but rarely the dangers. Politically, we live lies nationally and internationally. How can we then discern the truth? Jesus also said that his disciples knew the Spirit of truth because he dwelled with them, and would be in them. He is in the church today. Are we satisfied with this world’s lies or can we handle the truth? 

Knowing and seeing God 

In John 14:8-27 Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father and they would be satisfied. It was in response to Jesus’ comment (verse 7) that if they had known Jesus they would have known his Father, and that from that time on the disciples know God and have seen him. Philip did not understand and so Jesus explained that what he said and what he did were the Father’s words and the Father’s works because the Father was in him. Furthermore, those who believe in Jesus will also do similar works and even greater than he did. When we think of greater works, we tend to want that the miracles of Jesus but not any great personal sacrifice. Knowing God includes believing him and relying on the Holy Spirit. Then the church will do greater works than these. 

Outro/Take Home 

The Spirit of truth has changed things. Will we allow him to lead us into all truth?