Good News Late in Life

What’s on your bucket list of things to do before you die?
Today I want to talk about the only important thing to have on anyone’s bucket list.
We will take a brief look at the childhood of Jesus and the bucket list of Simeon and Anna.
Jesus as a Jewish Child
In Luke 2:22-40 we learn that Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day. Thirty three days later his mother observed the purification rites (Leviticus 12:2-8). The family’s offering was doves or pigeons without a lamb because Jesus’ parents were poor. The consecration or dedication of a firstborn to God was replaced by the tribe of Levi serving as the ministers. However, the firstborn were to be redeemed by each family through an offering. There are three infant ceremonies in modern churches: 1) dedication is a historically recent idea modeled on the dedication of the firstborn in the Old Testament, 2) the blessing of a little child is modeled after Jesus’ blessing of the little children, and 3) infant baptism which among other things asks that the Holy Spirit be the major influence in the rearing of a child.
Seeing the Unseen
How did Simeon see God’s salvation (Luke 2:22-40)? It seems that what he saw with his eyes was a poor family that had just journeyed the 60 miles from Nazareth to Jerusalem. A popular saying is: seeing is believing, but that is not faith. Faith is the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). In faith, Simeon could see beyond the obvious. In what seemed like a daily scene at the temple, he saw God’s salvation. Those closest to Jesus could not yet see when, at age twelve, he went missing. When his parents finally saw him, they did not yet understand that he would have been in his Father’s house (Luke 2:48-49). Sometimes in churches those closest to the leaders do not see what others do, God’s salvation at work, seeing the sacred in ordinary people.
Having Simeon’s Eyes
Can we have eyes to see the things of God like Simeon (Luke 2:22-40)? There is something that we can do and something that only God can do. Hebrews 11:1 helps us understand that faith sees things that the eyes do not. But, all good gifts come from God. Can we do something that helps us build faith or do we just wait passively on him? Romans 10:17 seems to indicate that there is something that we can do, listen to the words of Christ. Listening is not reading. Attending a church where especially the words of Christ are preached each week is an important way to allow God to build faith in us. The second part of our question is that none of us can see anything unless God chooses to open our eyes to see.
Simeon’s Praise & Blessing
When Simeon saw Jesus he took him in his arms and praised God for a personal revelation that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah (Luke 2:22-40). He also said that many would speak against Jesus so that their hearts would be revealed. Do we realize how our hearts are revealed in conversation? When we judge and criticize others, are we not judging and criticizing the One who forgave them all their sins? Simeon blessed Jesus’ parents and told Mary that a sword would pierce her soul. Does a sword pierce our souls every time Jesus’ name is cursed or he is belittled in the media? We are not told how the Holy Spirit revealed these things to Simeon, nor how he recognized salvation in a small baby, only that he was moved by the Spirit.
Simeon’s Bucket List
What is on your bucket list of things to do before you die? For Simeon it was to see the consolation of Israel, the Messiah. In his own words, he had seen God’s salvation (Luke 2:22-40). We say not to sweat the small stuff and it’s all small stuff. There is only one thing that is big in life, to see the salvation of the Lord. Everything else is small stuff, insignificant by comparison. If we see the salvation of the Lord in our lives, then even our worst fears like cancer or being killed in a terrorist attack are not so bad. Jesus said not to be afraid of those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Cancer or terrorism cannot kill the soul. Have we yet seen that most important thing in life, salvation?

What’s on your bucket list? Hopefully we all have the most important thing of all, to see the salvation of our Lord.

Good News for a Humble Virgin

The Bible tells us that we can learn a lot from a child, the innocence and faith that belongs to the kingdom of heaven. What can we learn from a teenager? We can also learn something valuable from a teenager as we will see from the example of Mary.
I hope we will learn something of the simplicity of trust in God.
We will look at the so-called Annunciation, the announcement to Mary of her pregnancy with the Christ child and its lessons for us and our walk of faith.
How Old was Mary
Mary was a virgin (Luke 1:27), engaged to Joseph. It is strange to our culture that girls were betrothed at age twelve to fourteen [Philip King & Lawrence Stager. Life in Biblical Israel. Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville, 2001. 37.] and would have married about a year later. But, is our society really superior? Young males produce the most testosterone around 18. Young females reach sexual peak a few years later. Do we expect them to wait and be abstinent during their peak sexual years until they finish their education, their career is developed and they can prepare for marriage? It is a very difficult request and most young people in our culture are not able to comply. At the same time our businesses and media profit by placing sexual temptation before the young. Our culture leads the young into unwed sex and all the problems associated with that. How dare we judge their culture?
Putting Ourselves in Mary’s Shoes
Imagine being a young teenage girl, twelve or thirteen years old, engaged to be married in a year. An angel appears to you in your bedroom in your parents’ home. You are initially frightened. The angel tells you not to be afraid. He tells you that you are highly favored and will bear the Savior of the world while a virgin (Luke 1:26-38). You are young and inexperienced in life. You are unsure of yourself. You are unsure if your betrothed will still want to marry you. You are unsure if people in your village will reject you or stone you. You are unsure what your own parents will say, but you have that innocent faith that young people often exhibit, who have not yet faced life’s faith-destroying trials and disappointments. She says, let it be as you said.
Unexpected Grace
What does it mean that Mary found favor with the Lord (Luke 1:30)? It was an unexpected grace from God. The word “Rejoice!” translated here as “Greetings!” was used in the prophets to the daughters of Zion. Mary represents of all the daughters of Zion. Then we have the greeting we know from our liturgy, the Lord is with you. It had a double meaning. Mary was troubled by this greeting. Like Peter recognized after the catch of fish that he was a sinner and told Jesus to go away (Luke 5:8), so too Mary recognized that she was a sinner and was afraid in the presence of a holy angel from God. The angel gave her the equivalent of an absolution from her sins telling her not to fear and that she had found favor with God.
Logos and Rhema
Some Christians make a big deal over the Greek word rhema. Some even go so far as to say that a rhema (supposedly a spoken word) is for today and that the logos (supposedly the written word) is for yesterday. This leads some to put more faith in a so-called “word of knowledge” than the Bible. The whole idea is a word of ignorance and not knowledge at all because the words rhema and logos are often used interchangeably. One such instance is in Luke 1:29, 38 where Mary was troubled at the spoken word (logos) of an angel and then after the angel finished, she expressed her faith in his spoken word (rhema). Ignorance aside, Mary has become for us the model of someone who waits for the advent of our Lord, not in fear but in faith.
Mary’s Faith
How great an example of faith can a woman be? How great an example of faith can a teenager be? Imagine how the angel’s news (Luke 1:26-38) would have seemed to Mary. Here she was a virgin in her early teens. To be an unwed mother during her engagement period would have been a great scandal. What would her parents think? What would her groom think? What would the neighborhood gossip be? Would she be stoned as a sinner? Would her child forever be called a bastard? Yet, the angel reassured her that she had found favor with God. Would she believe the promises that her son would be great and his kingdom would never end? The faith of this young teenage girl is an example for all women and men as we wait for the Lord’s Coming.
Mary’s Two Choices
Mary chose faith (Luke 1:26-38) but she had another choice. She could have chosen unbelief. She could have chosen, as the Israelites did, to complain. We too have the same choices in front of us. Faith or unbelief. Complaining is one of the evidences of a lack of faith. When we complain we are looking to circumstances around us instead of God. We are looking to the visible instead of the invisible. We are really a mixture of both. Instead of letting God be in control, we want to take control. We want to hurry God and try to manipulate circumstances instead of waiting on his mighty hand. We want to call God a liar instead of waiting on him to save us in his good time. Do we complain or simply accept God at his word like Mary?
Mother of our Lord
Elizabeth called Mary the mother of our Lord (Luke 1:43). Jesus is God the Son and it was natural to call her the mother of God. However, some went further than that and elevated Mary to virtual God by claiming that she remained a perpetual virgin and never sinned, yet if Mary never sinned, why did she need to sing of her need for a Savior (vs. 47)? So, the Church has struggled with Mary. Catholics have tended to idolize her and Protestant have overreacted and ignored her. Luke 1:26-38 helps us find the balance, correcting both Catholics and Protestants. In a manner similar to the original creation story (Genesis 1:1-2), the Holy Spirit would come over Mary and the Son of God would be in her and her faith would be an example to us all.
The Most Important Thing in Life
We marvel that God chose a virgin (Luke 1:26-38) that she gave birth in a stable. We may have selected a palace. Our priorities are all wrong. We believe that homeownership is so important. King David was a nomad, but later had a palace and a house. He wanted to build God a house (2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16). God does not need one. God promised to build David a different kind of house, a dynasty which would last forever. Jesus is David’s descendant, a king whose kingdom will last forever. We are just nomads passing through. Our homes change hands. Even our bodies are only temporary homes. We await a permanent spiritual body from heaven. Buying land and owning a house is not really the most important thing in life. Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is.
Mary’s Song of Hope for the Poor
Modern interpreters love to spread doubt, such as claiming that the Magnificat was not written by Mary. Mary’s song could have easily been written down while she spent three months at Elizabeth’s home during her pregnancy. The introduction clearly states, “And Mary said” (Luke 1:39-56) and is supported by many scholars.* It is a song of outrageous faith that dares to believe that the poor will be saved, even though they continue to be trodden down, even in our day. It is a message of hope in present and continuing oppression by the powerful. It dares to claim that the rich are in reality empty and that the humble are filled with good things. The birth of the Savior of the world in a stable to poor peasants is a continual reminder of God turning things upside down.
* Henry, Hugh. "Magnificat." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 22 Dec. 2012 <>.
Mary’s Song of Faith
Zechariah may have been a high priest but Gabriel said that he lacked faith, doubting the angel’s message. So, he was struck speechless until his son, John the Baptist was born. Gabriel also foretold Christ’s birth to Mary and she said, let it be according to your word. She was an ordinary peasant girl, but she believed and was blessed. This contrast of faith between those exalted in this world and those of humble backgrounds is a backdrop to the Magnificat, Mary’s Song of Faith (Luke 1:39-56). Mary sang that God is mindful of humble people. She sounded out, my soul magnifies God who favors those who honor him. She caroled that God scatters the proud and brings down rulers, but he exalts the humble. Mary sang that God fills the hungry but sends the rich away empty.
Elizabeth’s Spirit-filled Experience
Speaking in an unknown language is not necessarily the “initial evidence” of being filled with the spirit. Elizabeth’s experience contradicts that theory. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in a known language (Luke 1:39-56). She said what is now a famous expression repeated often as a prayer: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” Others were spirit filled and evidenced craftsmanship (Exodus 31:3; 35:31), movement in a mother’s womb (Luke 1:15), prophecy (Luke 1:67-68), being led into the wilderness (Luke 4:1), known tongues (Acts 2:4), wisdom (Acts 6:3-5), saw visions (Acts 7:55), healing (Acts 9:17-20), missionary feats (Acts 11:24), insight (Acts 13:9-10) and joy (Acts 13:52). Tongues experiences exist but are not always evidence of being spirit-filled.
Conversations with Gabriel
Luke records two conversations with Gabriel the archangel, one with Zechariah the father of John the Baptist and one with Mary the mother of Jesus. Zachariah and Elizabeth were praying a long time for a child, but when Gabriel announced the answer to their prayers Zachariah did not believe. And so he was mute because of his unbelief until John was born. In Mary’s conversation with Gabriel she also had questions but responded by saying that she is the servant of God and to let it be according to His will. Like the Old Covenant old and expiring, Elizabeth bore John in her old age. Like the New Covenant, Mary was in her youth. Like ancient Israel under the Old Covenant, Zachariah approached the situation in disbelief. Like the New Covenant, Mary approached the situation in faith (Luke 1:38).
We can learn a lot from a child and we can learn a lot from the faith of a young teenage girl who bore the Christ child.

Good News of Wonderful Change

Repentance has everything to do with a willingness to change. Change is difficult for anybody, yet change is what Jesus came into the world for.
We need to embrace God’s change from darkness to light.
We will look at John the Baptist’s announcement of change in John 1:6-28 , the Pharisees resistance to it and who we should look to for the best change of all.
What is witnessing? Some people seem to think that it means we make statements like we are saved and ask others if they have been born again. John 1:6-7 says that John the Baptist was a witness, yet he did not use any such language. He was sent (apostled) from God as a witness. John’s witness consisted of statements that he was not the Messiah, Elijah, or the prophet. He said his job was to be a voice crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord. When we ask what witnessing is, the first place we should look is the Bible, not a tract. Many of our ways of doing things have been invented by faulty human beings. We should constantly reevaluate the way we do things and realign them with the inspired Word of God.
Receiving Jesus as Word
John (1:11-12) wrote that some receive the Word of God, Jesus. How do we receive a word? Is it not first by listening? Faith comes from hearing the word (Romans 10:14-17). Even when reading the Bible for personal reasons, an ancient practice was to read aloud, because then it was also heard. Public reading of the Bible in the congregation, making it clear and giving the meaning is also an ancient practice (Nehemiah 8:7-9). When preachers avoid the Bible, especially the words of Jesus, the sheep are not listening to “the Word.” Why do we say we believe in Jesus if we don’t listen to him? Why do we go to a church where Jesus may be quoted in the Gospel text for the day every Sunday, then ignore him in our politics, business practices and marriages?
Change of Light
John came to point people to the Light (John 1:7-9). He was not the Light but a witness of the Light. Imagine people living in almost total darkness, who have never seen light believing that they live in the light. Those who live in the true light can see the difference, but those who have never seen it are fooled by their lack of experience into believing they have the best of everything. So it is with this world. Let us not be fooled by the politics, the advertising, the fashions and the deceit of this world into trading in the Light of Christ for the darkness of empty ideas. Light has come into the world and it is that Light that we celebrate at Christmas. Like John, the church is not that Light. Jesus is that Light.
The Best Change of All
All over the world people are petitioning for changes to laws:- Equip police with body cameras. Pakistani mother sentenced to death for blasphemy. Tell Unilever to stop bullying sustainable food companies. Stop lawsuit to bulldoze my family home. Stop the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia. Allow tax-free savings for disabled. Free woman in Iranian prison for attending a volleyball game. Stop police brutality to peaceful protesters in Hong Kong. Make the NFL to pay cheerleaders a living wage. Stop animal abuse. A purpose of the Old Testament was to show that only one change in the law will be effective, a change brought about by the light. Jesus is that light (John 1:7-9).
John the Announcer of Change
Change is scary for people. We tend to demonize those who change things. Even in the church when the bishop announces the need for change some suspect him of a hidden agenda. Changes made by mere human beings can be scary because we tend not to trust them. Even if it is God making the changes, we still tend to be wary. In John 1:15-18 we read of John announcing an upcoming change in the way things were done. However, he announced that the agent of change would be none other than the Light. When asked if he was the Messiah, or Elijah or that prophet, he stated clearly that he was not. He said simply that his purpose was to be a voice admonishing people to make the way straight for the one who would institute change.
Change or Die
What happens if we refuse to change? Remember the vacuum tube? The electronics revolution of the 20th century possibly began with the vacuum tube. The first general-purpose computer, the "Eniac" was built in 1946 with 17,000 vacuum tubes. It took 1800 square feet of floor space and consumed 150 kW of power. Although there is still a niche market for vacuum tubes, the industry has largely died. You can still buy them from a small company in Memphis, but they no longer dominate the market and companies that refused to change died. How dangerous is refusing to change? In John 1:6-28 John prepared the way for massive changes in God’s covenant relationship with humanity. Throughout church history change has always been difficult. The Gospel does not change, but the culture does and churches must adapt or die.
A Wrong Change
God sent John to testify about the Light that was about to come into the world (John 1:26-27). The Jewish leaders sent delegates to ask him some questions. When a religious leader speaks it is important to ask ourselves by whom the person was sent. Is it merely a human ministry or divine? That is not always an easy question to answer, but there are clues in the message given as to the sending authority. John did not claim his own authority, but pointed others to the true authority. It is only human to want to wield authority and be recognized for being somebody. Bishops, pastors and preachers do not have authority to change the Gospel into something other than that taught by Jesus. Humble servants of Jesus Christ know that their job is to point to him.
The #1 Job of a Minister of Jesus Christ
What is the number one job of a minister of Jesus Christ? Is it to point people towards a big television ministry, a large church, to seek a popular following, gain political clout in a large denomination, be given an important title, chase educational pedigree or something else? A person can have all of those wonderful things as good as they may be, yet still not be doing the most important job of a minister of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist did not have the advantage of any of those great and lofty things, yet he did the right job and even though his ministry was a lonely wilderness outpost, Jesus called him the greatest of all. He fulfilled the most important job of any preacher. He humbly pointed people away from himself and towards Jesus Christ (John 1:19-28).
Change and Conflict
Two opposing points of view are a dialectic. The two can coexist peacefully or not. We may not be comfortable in making peace with those who hold a different point of view. We can live in peace and seek common ground. Perhaps one view is wrong, both are wrong, or both have certain elements of truth and some kind of synthesis is possible. The new covenant replacing the old brought all of the above. John announced messianic changes (John 1:19-28). Conflict came immediately from those in opposition or antithesis to Jesus. Eventually a synthesis of the old and new was possible. Circumcised Jew and uncircumcised Greek worshiped together. The law was not discarded but fulfilled in the new law of love for God and neighbor. Those entrenched in the old system found change difficult, while others readily moved forward.

The whole world wants change, not just any change, but a change for the good. That is only possible for those who follow the only change agent that can lead us in the right direction, Jesus.

The Beginning of the Good News

We have all gone astray like lost sheep that need protection from predators and from our own stupidity. We have fallen into the ditch of wrong thinking and wrongdoing. Our society is lost. But there is a highway back to God with national and personal salvation.
To show how preparation was made for the highway back to God.
We will look at John the Baptist’s message in Mark 1.
Prophecy of Comfort
Isaiah’s message (40:1-11) continues into Mark 1:1-8. God instructs his angels to comfort his people, to reassure Jerusalem that her punishment will soon be over. A voice from God’s angelic council urges fellow angels to build a highway from Babylon to Jerusalem so that the exiles may return home. John's cry for repentance is a voice crying in the wilderness of the mission to all nations, that a highway has been made to return to God. What should be the content of that preaching? Everything in this world is transitory and erratic but our God's promises are sure. The bringer of good news is to cry out, announcing God's triumphant return, like a warrior returning with power, bringing a reward with him. He gathers the little lambs of his flock into his arms and gently leads nursing sheep.
The Beginning of the Good News
In ancient Rome the birthday of Emperors was proclaimed as good news. People worshiped them as gods. We are not much different, but politics is bad news. Even Christians focus overly much on political agendas and human beings who boast great things, but in reality have no answers. The world is run by highly intelligent, very well-educated people who don't have a clue, because the real problems and their solutions are spiritual in nature, not carnal. When writing his Gospel, Mark used language familiar to ancient people used to promote Roman Emperors, but instead of proclaiming political good news, he pointed the way to Christ. In contrast to this world's inability to solve its problems, "The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God" as it says in Mark 1:1 is real good news indeed.
Good News of Victory
What do the words the beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:1) mean? The end has not yet come and we proclaim the good news to all nations. What is that good news of Jesus Christ? Isaiah 52:7; 61:1-3 prophesied of good news of peace, salvation, freedom, release, comfort, the Lord’s favor, beauty, joy and praise. The advent of Jesus begins the fulfillment of that prophesied good news. In ancient Greek society the word gospel was a shout of victory, we won! Throughout the Roman Empire it also celebrated the birthday of Caesar as a god. To ancient hearers the words the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ shout, the beginning of the victory of the Savior of the world. Is the cross victory? Are Jesus’ sufferings triumph? Jesus conquered sin and death.
Preparing the Way
What does the word Christ mean? It means anointed one and in the Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Testament priests, kings and prophets were all anointed ones. Mark 1:2-3 introduces Christ as a conquering king, anointed priest, and a prophet. What do the words Son of God mean? Greeks may have thought of sons of gods like Hercules a son of Zeus. Jews might have thought of a king. Both may have thought of a conquering hero but the story includes the puzzle that Jesus must be crucified. To understand the conundrum we must read the rest of Mark. John prepares the way for the Lord. Who is the Lord? Mark quoted Isaiah 40:3 where the Lord is Yahweh, our God. John appears as a prophet, wearing garments reminiscent of Elijah. John points to the greater one, Jesus.
How Many Baptisms
How many baptisms are there in the Bible? Mark 1:4 mentions a baptism of repentance, a baptism in the Jordan and a baptism of the Holy Spirit. Elsewhere we read of a baptism of fire, the baptism of water, the baptism of repentance also called the baptism of John, baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is also like a washing (Acts 22:16) and a death (Romans 6:3-4). Jesus’ death on the cross is referred to as a baptism (Mark 10:38). It is tied in with spiritual circumcision (Colossians 2:11-15). Israel was baptized into Moses (1 Corinthians 10:2-5). Even though we find so many baptisms described, Paul reminded the Ephesians that there is essentially only one baptism (Ephesians 4:6). All Christians are baptized into Christ (Galatians 3:27).
Baptized with the Holy Spirit
Baptize literally means "to dip" but is used in the Bible in several nonliteral ways like passing through the Red Sea dry shod (1 Corinthians 10:2), washing dishes (Mark 7:4), overwhelmed with calamity like the cross (Mark 10:38-39), ceremonial washings by sprinkling (Hebrews 9:9-14), and an outpouring or large bestowment (Matthew 3:11). What do following Jesus and a life baptized in the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:8) mean? Could it include the "baptism" of suffering and death which Jesus experienced? The cross is as Christians understand it, good news indeed for God's anointed, the Son of God. If we want to follow Jesus, make sure we “look good on wood.” A commercialized Christmas hides the real cost of following the baby who would be born. Advent prepares the way that will lead to the cross.
Self-sacrifice is the Way
Being baptized with the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:8) brings a different way of life, the way of the cross. Much of today’s politics is about selfishness. We don’t want to make sure the poor have health care because we are selfish. The super rich block any legislation that requires them to pay more in taxes, because they are selfish. We don’t want to be merciful towards illegal aliens because we are selfish. Countries with universal health care pay much less than Americans do for health care. On average more foreigners start businesses and create more jobs than native born citizens. In the 50’s-70’s requiring the super rich to pay more in taxes caused a resurgence of the middle class. Selfishness hurts a nation. Jesus taught us that self-sacrifice benefits everyone. Living the way of the cross is good news.
The Way Back Home
Why did Mark quote Isaiah 40 in Mark 1:1-8? Isaiah gave comfort to Jews in Babylonian exile. John prepared for the ministry of Jesus Christ. The message to Jewish captives was a highway in the wilderness leading straight home to Jerusalem. They had gone into exile — punishment for national sins. God would make amends for their suffering. Like sheep lost in the wilderness, their shepherd would bring them back home. Our world is currently in exile from God, held captive in spiritual Babylon to sin and corruption. Our home is heavenly Jerusalem and the way home is Jesus Christ. Isaiah pictures a flattening whereby the low will be elevated and the exalted will be brought low. It can picture a leveling, difficult terrain made easy to journey. Jesus is the way. His burden is light (Matthew 11:30).

We have all gone astray like lost sheep that need protection from predators and from our own stupidity. We have fallen into the ditch of wrong thinking and wrongdoing. Our society is lost. But there is a highway back to God with national and personal salvation; that way is Jesus. He is the way and the truth and the life.