Have we lost Jesus?


Joseph and Mary’s experience of losing Jesus on the way home from the Passover Feast is something that we can all relate to. What can we learn from their story?


Let us understand that we too can lose Jesus.

Sermon Plan

We will look at finding Jesus, contemporary events of lost family members and ask if we have lost Jesus?

Finding Jesus

Germany in the 1980’s was an innocent society. We were there on church assignment. Village life was idyllic and peaceful, without crime, no school shootings and no gangs. We used to send our pre-teen son down the street for groceries. We felt perfectly safe. Perhaps that was a similar feeling in the society in which Joseph and Mary lived as they traveled up to Jerusalem for Passover season. Perhaps that’s why they were not so concerned at first about Jesus’ safety as we might be, thinking that he may be among relatives. Still, they must have gotten just a little frantic until they found him in the Temple, talking things over with the same group of people who would later falsely accuse him and demand his death (Luke 2:41-52). Who was this boy, interested in theology at age 12?

Lost family members

Legal immigration to the United States cost me about fifteen hundred dollars with trips half way across the country and paperwork like a doctoral dissertation. How does it feel for those that we separate from their families because of unfair immigration laws? Let’s watch a video to understand how immigrant families are hurt by man’s unjust laws.

We were in a large department store in a strange land enjoying time as family when suddenly we realized that a child was missing. Panic! Where was he? We searched all over when unexpectedly an announcement came over the loudspeaker that a little boy in blue jeans, cowboy boots and a red western shirt had lost his parents. We went up to the appropriate floor where he was in the good hands of a customer service agent.

Can you imagine how it must have been for Jesus’ parents after he had gone missing for days (Luke 2:41-52)?

Have we lost Jesus?

Just like his parents lost him when he was aged 12, sometimes I wonder if we in the churches have lost Jesus. He told his parents who had frantically searched for him for days, didn't you know that I had to be in my Father’s (Luke 2:41-52)? The last word in the sentence is left out in Greek. It could be mean either house or business as different translations render it. When the church wanders off track engaged in affairs of this world, chasing trivial material or political pursuits of mere mortals, making the house of God into a market place, doing anything other than God’s business, Jesus will still be doing his Father’s business. If we have lost Jesus, it is important for us to stop what we’re doing and get back on track. What is Jesus doing?

Outro/Take Home

How do we find Jesus at those times when we have lost him? We begin with stopping what we are doing, sitting at his feet and learning from him. Let’s put Jesus back in the center of our lives.

Advent's Messages: faith and hope


I have some questions for you today: Who is the most popular Christian inside of the Bible apart from Jesus, and what do faith and hope for the poor have to do with Christmas? 


I want us to understand that some of the most important messages of Advent are faith and hope. 

Sermon Plan 

We will discuss faith and hope for the poor. 

Advent’s message: faith 

Zechariah may have been a high priest but Gabriel said that he lacked faith, doubting the angel’s message. So, he was struck speechless until his son, John the Baptist was born. Gabriel also foretold Christ’s birth to Mary and she said, let it be according to your word. She was an ordinary peasant girl, but she believed and was blessed. This contrast of faith between those exalted in this world and those of humble backgrounds is a backdrop to the Magnificat, Mary’s Song of Faith (Luke 1:39-56). Mary sang that God is mindful of humble people. She sounded out, my soul magnifies God who favors those who honor him. She caroled that God scatters the proud and brings down rulers, but he exalts the humble. Mary sang that God fills the hungry but sends the rich away empty. 

Elizabeth’s spirit-filled experience 

Speaking in an unknown language is not necessarily the “initial evidence” of being filled with the spirit. Elizabeth’s experience contradicts that theory. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in a known language (Luke 1:39-56). She said what is now a famous expression repeated often as a prayer: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!”[1] Others were spirit filled and evidenced craftsmanship (Exodus 31:3; 35:31), movement in a mother’s womb (Luke 1:15), prophecy (Luke 1:67-68), being led into the wilderness (Luke 4:1), known tongues (Acts 2:4), wisdom (Acts 6:3-5), saw visions (Acts 7:55), healing (Acts 9:17-20), missionary feats (Acts 11:24), insight (Acts 13:9-10) and joy (Acts 13:52). Tongues experiences exist but are not always evidence of being spirit-filled. 

Advent’s message: hope for the poor 

Modern interpreters love to spread doubt, such as claiming that the Magnificat was not written by Mary. Mary’s song could have easily been written down while she spent three months at Elizabeth’s home during her pregnancy. The introduction clearly states, “And Mary said” (Luke 1:39-56) and is supported by many scholars.[1] It is a song of outrageous faith that dares to believe that the poor will be saved, even though they continue to be trodden down, even in our day. It is a message of hope in present and continuing oppression by the powerful. It dares to claim that the rich are in reality empty and that the humble are filled with good things. The birth of the Savior of the world in a stable to poor peasants is a continual reminder of God turning things upside down. 

[1] Henry, Hugh. "Magnificat." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 22 Dec. 2012 <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09534a.htm>. 

Outro/Take Home 

Jesus was not born among the wealthy and powerful but in a stable. Mary was not one of the celebrities of her day, but a poor peasant girl. Some of the great messages of Christmas are faith and hope for the poor.

Advent's message: two women of faith


Mary’s experience of expectation of the birth of Christ is written down and summarized in what is called Mary’s Song, the Magnificat. What can we learn from two women of faith, Mary and Elizabeth? 


Let us understand that Mary’s message and Elizabeth’s words are relevant for Advent today. 

Sermon Plan 

We will look at Advent’s message of faith, a spirit-filled blessing and hope for the poor. 

Advent’s message: faith 

Zechariah may have been a high priest but Gabriel said that he lacked faith, doubting the angel’s message. So, he was struck speechless until his son, John the Baptist was born. Gabriel also foretold Christ’s birth to Mary and she said, let it be according to your word. She was an ordinary peasant girl, but she believed and was blessed. This contrast of faith between those exalted in this world and those of humble backgrounds is a backdrop to the Magnificat, Mary’s Song of Faith (Luke 1:39-56). Mary sang that God is mindful of humble people. She sounded out, my soul magnifies God who favors those who honor him. She caroled that God scatters the proud and brings down rulers, but he exalts the humble. Mary sang that God fills the hungry but sends the rich away empty. 

Elizabeth’s spirit-filled experience 

Speaking in an unknown language is not necessarily the “initial evidence” of being filled with the spirit. Elizabeth’s experience contradicts that theory. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in a known language (Luke 1:39-56). She said what is now a famous expression repeated often as a prayer: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!”[1] Others were spirit filled and evidenced craftsmanship (Exodus 31:3; 35:31), movement in a mother’s womb (Luke 1:15), prophecy (Luke 1:67-68), being led into the wilderness (Luke 4:1), known tongues (Acts 2:4), wisdom (Acts 6:3-5), saw visions (Acts 7:55), healing (Acts 9:17-20), missionary feats (Acts 11:24), insight (Acts 13:9-10) and joy (Acts 13:52). Tongues experiences exist but are not always evidence of being spirit-filled. 

Advent’s message: hope for the poor 

Modern interpreters love to spread doubt, such as claiming that the Magnificat was not written by Mary. Mary’s song could have easily been written down while she spent three months at Elizabeth’s home during her pregnancy. The introduction clearly states, “And Mary said” (Luke 1:39-56) and is supported by many scholars.[1] It is a song of outrageous faith that dares to believe that the poor will be saved, even though they continue to be trodden down, even in our day. It is a message of hope in present and continuing oppression by the powerful. It dares to claim that the rich are in reality empty and that the humble are filled with good things. The birth of the Savior of the world in a stable to poor peasants is a continual reminder of God turning things upside down. 

[1] Henry, Hugh. "Magnificat." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 22 Dec. 2012 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09534a.htm

Outro/Take Home 

Mary and Elizabeth teach us a message of faith, spirit-filled blessings and hope for the poor. As we prepare for Christ’s Advent let us remember the lessons taught by these two women of faith.

Advent's message: repent


The first Advent season John the Baptist prepared for Christ’s ministry. What does his message tell us about preparing for the Advent of our Lord today? 


Let us understand that John’s message is relevant for Advent today. 

Sermon Plan 

We will look at Advent’s message of repentance, snakes, good capitalism, sharing and fire. 

Advent’s message: repentance 

When we think of fruits of repentance what comes to mind? Some churches speak about dancing, alcohol and card-playing none of which are explicitly forbidden by the Apostles and one of which Jesus even engaged in on occasion. In Luke 3:7-18 John the Baptist gave some examples which would show genuine repentance. Specifically, he mentioned donations of clothing and food to the less fortunate, not taking advantage of unjust government regulations for personal gain, not extorting money or being a false accuser. When I think of the trite rules that men make up as examples of godly principles, they are often easy outward forms, looking good externally without really needing to change our hearts. Biblical examples of what repentance looks like usually involve something deeper than a silly rule. Those examples of repentance involve real change from the heart. 

Advent’s message: snakes 

I have often lamented that pastors are paid by those to whom they preach. It can be blackmail. “Don’t you dare preach against my political parties’ sins, just the other guys.” “Don’t you dare tread on my toes, just the lady across the room. She needs to hear it.” Eventually, if pastors are browbeaten enough, it’s either time to move on or the congregation gets over it and grows. We never will agree on everything, but we must love each other anyway. Loving our neighbors includes our pastors, even disagreeing lovingly. If we are offended by our pastors sometimes, imagine having John the Baptist or Jesus as our local pastor. Jesus told Peter get behind me Satan and John told one of his audiences, “You brood of snakes, who told you to flee from God’s coming wrath?” (Luke 3:7-18)* 

* Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. 

Repentance old and new 

The Greek word for repentance means a change of heart. The Hebrew word shub means to turn back, but the Greek meaning focuses on the mind, not mere outward actions. It highlights a major difference between the Old and New Covenants. The Greek word comes from meta meaning after and nous meaning thought, so any definition involving actions alone is not sufficient. That being said, a change of heart is only genuinely proven by relevant outward fruits (Luke 3:7-18). The end result is the same even if the way we get there is now new. The problem with an outward repentance is that we can start in the wrong place. A change of actions can be from a wrong heart. Without a change of thinking in relation to sin, we have mere outward conformity and not real lasting change. 

Extortion and a just price 

In Luke 3:7-18 John instructed a group of tax collectors and soldiers not to engage in extortion of money. Today, extortion is more commonly found in the price of goods and services. The question of what is a just price was proposed by early church theologians like Thomas Aquinas to combat usury, apply the Golden Rule and create fair standards in the marketplace. The argument is that an unjust price is a kind of fraud. For example, when retailers raise building material prices to profit from a disaster, that is extortion. When bankers charge poor people higher interest rates than wealthy people that is unjust. When manufacturers manipulate international politics so as to profit up to 1800 percent from wars that is legalized racketeering.* Charging a just price and treating everyone fairly is the goal of every sincere Christian. 

* Butler, Smedley. Major General, USMC. War is a Racket. Speech. 1933 

Advent’s message: share 

Among the many messages of Advent and the Christmas season surely none can create a more joyful experience than to share. In Luke 3:7-18 John the Baptist encouraged a crowd of people to donate extra clothing. Many Christians follow John’s instructions today. The Volunteer Guide reports that in America 3.5 million homeless people need clothing, more than a third of them are children. Donating clothing helps the environment by extending their life. Many charities actually do not follow the spirit of John’s instruction. Rather than give clothing away, according to ABC News many actually resell about 10% of clothes in thrift stores and 90% to clothing manufacturers for recycling. For the Christian who wants to do more than support another charity scam, find one that actually gives to the poor without cost or give personally to the needy. 

Advent’s message: fire 

Among the many messages of John the Baptist as he prepared the way for Christ’s ministry was that people would be baptized by fire (Luke 3:7-18). The baptism by fire in Acts 2:1-4 is one interpretation of this passage. This is a problem for Baptists who believe that baptism must be a literal immersion, but this baptism by fire was only on people’s heads. That being said, Luke’s context reveals another side to the baptism of fire. The chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. Hell is pictured by many metaphors, outer darkness, blackness, eternal separation from God and fire. One picture is that those whose names are not written into the book of life will be cast into a lake of fire (Revelation 20:15). This is a baptism of fire that nobody wants in their future. 

Outro/Take Home 

Part of Advent’s message is repentance from dead works, which includes engaging in righteous business practices and sharing our wealth with the less fortunate.

Advent's message: giving


I have two questions for you today: Who is the most popular Christian outside of the Bible and what does Wednesday have to do with Christmas? 


I want us to understand that one of the most important messages of Advent is giving. 

Sermon Plan 

We will discuss small things, significance, the most popular Christian outside of the Bible and why he still is so popular. 

Advent’s message: small things 

Some pastors enter politics. Most say that would be a demotion. They are already doing the most important work on earth today. Luke compares political and religious events to what would take place in an insignificant corner of Israel. Small things are often of far greater significance than what’s in the news headlines. Making things straight and level and smooth (Luke 3:1-6) may seem like small things, but they are far more important than who has the political power in the world’s capitals or who has what religious titles today. When we get about doing the Lord’s work, we find that he is often involved in small things in this world’s eyes, things far away from the fame and fortune that this world seeks. The big things of this world are insignificant compared to the small things of God. 

Advent’s message: significance 

What are the most significant events taking place on earth today? Is it the stuff that makes the news? Is it what world leaders, national leaders or even regional leaders are doing? What about the things being done by bishops and other religious leaders? If we compare the history described in Luke 3:1-6, we will see that at that time, none of those things was significant compared to a much more important event. At this time of year, we also see many things which try to crowd out the Christmas message like insipid politics, religious pomp and commercial sales. What is the message of Christ’s birth? It is a message that is far more important than any: prepare the way of the Lord, make things straight and level and smooth. All people will see the salvation of the Lord. 

Advent’s message: Nicholas 

Who is the most popular Christian outside of the Bible? We may think of famous theologians or reformers but the most popular is Nicholas of Myra, who was loved by many in his time and those who read his story today. The fiction surrounding him has grown to the point that he is the second most important Christmas character after Jesus. Why is he so popular? Though he was very wealthy, he spent his life giving it away and touched the lives of thousands. He saved many from financial ruin, helped out in disasters, defended people in court from false charges, provided food during famines, saved children from slavery, travelers from murder and prayed and saved sailors from shipwreck. The real Saint Nicholas is loved because he made crooked roads straight and rough ways smooth (Luke 3:1-6). Shall we? 

Advent’s message: giving 

Nicholas was born of wealthy Christian parents in what is today southern Turkey. It was a Greek area at the time. He followed Jesus’ comments to a wealthy young man (Matthew 19:16-30) to sell his possessions and give the money to the poor. He spent the rest of his life doing just that and is known for his generosity to those in need. One story tells of his providing a dowry for three daughters who, without it, were bound for a life of sexual slavery. Little bags of coins were tossed in a window landing in stockings and a shoe, giving rise to several Christmas traditions. As we think of making crooked roads straight and rough ways smooth in preparation for Christ’s coming (Luke 3:1-6), it is good to follow a wonderful example of giving like Saint Nicholas’. 


How can any of us match such wonderful giving, especially since most of us are not wealthy? Over the past year, I got to know a gentleman by the name of Dar. Was his name Darling or Darrel? I asked. He was named after a beloved citizen of Hancock, Maryland. Dar, the original Dar, was not wealthy like Nicholas, but of meager means and yet known for his generosity. If someone needed help, he was there. He repaired things for neighbors without asking for payment. He generously gave whenever there was a need. Though not a wealthy person like Nicholas of Myra, Dar’s giving was not limited by a lack of funds. His funeral was one of the well-attended one’s in that city’s history. He was loved by all. Though we may not be able to give as Nicholas did, we can follow his example as he followed Christ who gave it all. 


What does Wednesday have to do with Christmas? Woden or Oden was once a pagan god. Possibly once a tribal king whose history has been lost and later turned to myth, he was known throughout the European northwest as a wild hunter who rode on horseback. Many of today’s myths surrounding Santa Claus go back to stories of this ancient northern god sometimes called Father Winter. His name was also given to the fourth day of the week, Woden’s day or Wednesday. The story of the real Saint Nicholas is of a man who was devoted to giving. Because of his generosity, he has become the most popular Christian outside of the Bible.

Outro/Take Home 

One of the great messages of Christmas is giving. A Savior was born who would give it all. A saint is remembered who spent his life giving away his fortune. We are reminded that giving is the thing. Let us think about ways to give.

Advent's messages


When we look at the Advent season, what is it for? It is just an excuse for more commercialism or can it be put to a good use for Christians? 


Let us understand that Advent has some good things to teach us if we let it. 

Sermon Plan 

We will look at Advent’s message to prepare, signs, trees and the nearness of God’s kingdom. Along the way we will discuss why I don’t believe in a secret rapture. 

Advent’s message: prepare 

In the midst of the commercial chaos and pressure to buy and exchange gifts is a very important reminder for Christians: prepare. The Advent season is a time to prepare for the celebration of Christ’s first coming. The custom of the Advent wreath is one example of such preparation. We use the four weeks leading up to Christmas to visually remind ourselves of stories surrounding the birth of our Savior. In my experience, three red or purple and one pink candle surround a white one. Others use four red candles surrounding the white one. The first Sunday a candle is lit to remind us of important events. Then a second candle the next Sunday and so on until finally on Christmas Day the central Christ candle is lit. Preparation also reminds us to prepare for his second coming (Luke 21-25-36). 

Why I don’t believe in a secret rapture 

The word rapture summarizes 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18, being caught up in the air. People confuse this “rapture” which all Christians believe, with the doctrine of a “secret rapture” which most Christians do not believe. There are many weaknesses in this doctrine, but a main reason that I do not believe it is because Luke 21-25-36 says that men shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds. The popular “Left Behind” video series builds upon the idea of the rapture being a secret coming of Christ, but this contradicts the plain statements of many Bible texts which reveal that Christ will come visibly, not in secret. Every eye will see him (Revelation 1:7). He will come back in the same way that he went (Acts 1:11). The second coming will be obvious to the whole world. 

Advent’s message: signs 

In the Advent season we look backwards to the first coming of Christ and forward to his second coming. What are some of the signs preceding his second coming? The Bible warns of astronomical signs, wars, violence lawlessness, droughts, famines, earthquakes, natural disasters, disease epidemics, the rise of those a great false prophet and those who follow him, the rise of a great world power called the beast, the gospel preached into all the world, persecution of the faithful, a world crisis centered in Jerusalem, the abomination of desolation and the great tribulation unmatched by any in history. All these things would come to a culmination in one generation and experienced by the entire world. We must be alert and pray always that we may be accounted worthy to escape and even more importantly to stand before Jesus (Luke 21-25-36). 

Advent’s message: trees 

A message of advent is in the trees, no, not the Christmas trees, but all trees. Luke 21-25-36 contains the parable of the fig tree but, the actual wording says, behold the fig tree and all the trees. So, at least “all the [deciduous] trees” make leaves some time before summer. Our modern definitions of seasons are very rigid. And so we officially define a season’s beginning by our calendars rather than weather or other variables. However, conversationally, when it snows, we sometimes say that winter is early or when the crocuses pop out of the ground we say that spring is in the air. According to nature’s clock, we can never really be sure when a season will change. So it is with the return of Christ. Yet, there are clues that a change is just around the corner. 

Advent's message: nearness 

A constant message of the gospel is the nearness of the kingdom of God. While we look to world events for signs of the coming kingdom (Luke 21-25-36), we can easily miss the nearness of the kingdom now. That is part of the message to watch or be on guard. While we wait for the fullness of the kingdom to come at Christ’s return, let us not let go of that part of the kingdom that we have now. Let’s not allow the cares of this life to take that away from us. Let’s not get so discouraged or careless that we do something stupid like is so often the case with a worldly approach to Christmas, shopping, partying and getting drunk. Let’s remember the nearness of Christ and his reign in our lives, watching and praying at all times. 

Outro/Take Home 

Advent season can teach us to prepare, look at the signs of the times and not forget God’s nearness. It has some good things to teach us if we let it. Let us be always in prayer and put our faith in God to see us through rough times before Christ returns.